Swamped ? Here's my productivity solution

If you're starting your new blog, a new business or any project in general, you'll know how much time it takes to get things started. I'm currently trying to start my own consulting business and i've been so distracted by all the task i need to start doing ! If you've read The 4 hour workweek then you'll know that it suggests getting a virtual assistant and outsourcing your work...well, that's exactly what i'm trying to achieve. My first concerns are
- how do i choose a good reliable company?
- how can someone do my own work better than me ??
- do i really have the money to hire a virtual assistant?
to answer those questions here's how I decided on getting help:
choosing a good company
i decided on using Fancy Hands because they charge by task where as other companies count by hours and each task is around $5, which is pretty affordable. Another thing i like about this is they're based in the US, where as other VA companies might be based in India or Phlilppines and the lanuage barrier might be big and the quality of work might not be as good.
Can they do work as good as me ?
I realized that i have to let go of this thought if i need to get help. Of course i'll always like doing my own work because i get to control the quality of my work, but when it comes to freeing up your time, you'd have to learn how to delegate. What i realized too was that sometimes I don't do work as good as other people and one big this is that working with other people gives me new perspective which is really important.
Can I afford help ?
If you're starting a business one thing you'll have to learn is to use your resources. When you can outsource your mundane repetitive work at maybe $10-$15 to someone else, it's worth it. You won't get bogged down on the details and get to actually work and expand your business ideas.
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